My game, Darkness Begins Episode 1, is almost ready! It will be ready in a few weeks and I need some members to signup on the site. I already have the demo set up so you can get a feel of what the game will be like! The site is at this link:
A button for the site is also at the top.
EDIT: Ask Zapperpost for proof, he saw that I already had tons of stuff ready. But I only gave him like a 4 second sneak peak.
Posted by
Legacy User
Sunday 03 August 2008 - 19:22:42
Over the last 3 days E3 the largest electronics and gaming expo in America has been going on in Los Angelos! there are so many new announcements and demos there! Instead of telling you in a huge scream of excitement I'll redirect you to G4's website who has full access to E3 with videos and news of almost everything there. Here's their website:
I am currently learning C++, which is a very hard coding language. I am currently doing the basics which are console programs (the black boxes that have text in them). After I learn C++ I will go onto an easier language based off of C++ which is C#, then I will learn visual basic which is also based off C++, but Visual Basic is a nifty coding language that lets me make really cool stuff.
"Now why start with C++, why not start with something easier." says the curious reader. The answer is because almost every coding language is based off of C++ which means they are all like C++, so if I start with C++ I wll already know part of all those coding languages because they're made from C++!
But console's are easy, I'm going to have trouble when I get to graphical stuff.
Posted by
Legacy User
Sunday 13 July 2008 - 09:38:02
In short greg destroyed the site, well not the site but the database.
Well, everyone reregister. All your data is gone, not that anyone had anything important here. If you were an admin before the site crashed, then the Deltik Website Administration Team has already e-mailed you your new password.
President: DeltaBurnt Vice President: Kovi Head Website Administrator: ZAPPERPOST
ZAPPERPOST used the power of Google® to restore the Forums (excluding the posts and topics). DeltaBurnt used his memory to bring back part of the main website. Kovi has a list of things to do that he will do in the night (well, morning for him).
After all our Gregory incidents, a lot of you probably don't want to come back anymore. *sigh*. I guess that's okay.
Pending data to recover: • Delta OS • Other minor administrative stuff • Affiliates
Posted by
Legacy User
Thursday 10 July 2008 - 12:28:12
Welcome to Deltik. We hope you enjoy it here. Recently, Deltik was just reset. If you are already an existing user, you have been deleted. You must recreate your account. The Deltik admins will do their best to restore Deltik to its original condition. We are so sorry for the inconvienence!
Posted by
Legacy User
Thursday 10 July 2008 - 11:10:10